In vst

U-he Diva Vst cpu killer problem /Solution

3 ways to boost your U-he Diva VST for a better Cpu and memory  performance

3 ways to run your U-he Diva VST in a Smooth way for a better cpu and Memorry performance and to get rid of the annoying crackling sound in your synth causing this problem.
U-he Diva a awesome producer VST with many control options and thousands of presets and there for used by many music producers, how ever some synths causes insane cpu usage of your daw and make your daw glitch or even crash it without saving and all your unsaved work is lost!
A Nightmare!

There for 3 tips that could help you to fix this problem

Tip. 1 : asio4all to fix Diva CPU Problem
Asio4all is a audio Stream Input/Output driver for digital devices with low latency problems like Windows systems.
(Mac devices seems to have less problems with this.)
If You have asio4all already installed on your system , go to you DAW audio settings and set primary sound card to asio4all this should fix at least some of your performance problems.
If you dont have it installed Get it from :

Tip.2 ParkControl to get better CPU Performance for Diva VST
ParkControl is free software to display and tweak CPU core parking settings in real-time. It also has an assortment of complimentary power automation features.
This little and very powerful tool is in general a great tool to boost you PC CPU’s to the max it haves effect on the total performance of your pc.
Very easy and strait forward installation and usage, install ,select best performance , apply and your good to go.

Tip.3  activate Multi Core In U-he Diva to fix CPU usage problem.
This is  the simplest solution to fix the CPU usage in your Diva VST.
Load up Your Diva VST in Your DAW on the right top you see a little grey circle and its says Multi Core, hover over and click it to activate 99% of the time it will instant fix your problem and the crackling sound is gone.
Please check the image to see how it looks likes.
Happy Producing!
If you do not have U- He Diva yet you can buy it here!

Related :
DivaCPU saving tips.
u-he Diva crackling
DIVA CPU Usage benchmark
U-he Diva cpu hit in ableton over 100 but in task
U-he Diva cpu hit in Fl Studio  over 100 but in task
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